HAIR EXTENSIONS FOR YOUR EVERY DAY. Imagine getting ready in the morning and your extensions seamlessly flow into your natural hair like you’re Margot Robbie at the Golden Globes. Think this is a pretty great way to start the day? Magic 8 ball says…You can rely on it!

Hair Extension Application
Tape In | 1 Box Application
New – $25
Intermediate – $25
Advanced – $25
1-6 Panels | This option is great for filling in breakage around your face. You know how those front side hairs are always shorter than the back? Use 1-6 panels to fill it in and voilà! You've got full hair in front. Reapplication $50 | $125 | $125
Tape In | 2 Box Application
New – Free
Intermediate – $100
Advanced – $175
7-12 Panels | Two boxes add volume for all over thickness. Think botox for your hair. It instantly plumps up what you've got. Reapplication $75 | $175 | $250
Hand Tied | 1 Row Application
New – NA
Intermediate – $150
Advanced – $150
2-4 Wefts | Wefts are rows of hair in extension lingo. This option delivers more coverage, more volume, and has the potential to add length, too. Reapplication NA | $150 | $150
Hand Tied | 2 Row Application
New – NA
Intermediate – $300
Advanced – $300
4+ Wefts | Two rows of maximum coverage, volume, and length. This is the holy grail of hair extensions for the most major transformations. Reapplication NA | $300 | $300
Hair Extension Hair
Tape In | 1 Box
12 Inches | $250
16 Inches | $275
20 Inches | $325
Hand Tied | 1 Box
14-16 Inches | $275
18-20 Inches | $375
22-24 Inches | $475

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