Steel Magnolias
Posted 4 months ago on - Career, Salon
If you’ve ever seen Steel Magnolias, you know it’s filled with laughs and tears and tragedies and good fortune. If you haven’t seen it, it’s worth a watch. Even for being 30 years old, the story remains so true today!
Just like the movie, we’re in the business of taking care of each other, no matter which stage of life you’re in right now.
What does it look like to achieve your beauty, wellness, and community as
-a new stylist?
-an intermediate stylist?
-an advanced stylist?
What does it look like to achieve your beauty, wellness, and community as
-a college student?
-a new mom?
-a retired grandma?
The demands of each stage look different but there’s one theme that’s carried throughout: You. And you still need to see your beauty, feel your wellness, and belong to a community, no matter what tragedies or good fortune come your way.
We coach and mentor both stylists and clients who are ready to go through this together. Because we see you for who you are, and who you can be.
-Gabrielle & Ninna